Sales Tax Exemption Certificate Portal

Please submit the specific tax exemption document(s) for each applicable state.


Sales Tax Exemption Certificate Portal Training

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Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (STEC)

In addition to your New Account application, we require the submission of your Sales Tax Exemption Certificate before we begin the account approval process. To meet our sales tax compliance obligations, we must collect the documentation necessary to support (substantiate) the purchases that your business makes for resale, otherwise we will need to impose sales tax on the purchases your business makes. Please submit the specific tax exemption document(s) for each applicable state through our Exemption Certificate Portal.

Purchase for Resale

In order to avoid sales tax on purchases for resale, please download and complete the appropriate Sales Tax Exemption Certificate(s) below.

Sales Tax Exemption Checklist

Before you submit your certificates, please verify the following:

  • The purchaser/buyer contains your business’ legal name
  • The form is signed and dated (if applicable)
  • You provided the resale number/license number/registration number etc. as applicable for your form
  • Form is fully completed, before email submission
  • If required, a copy of your state issued sales tax permit

*As a reminder, your New Account application will not be reviewed until you have successfully provided the necessary information as directed.


General Requirements

The majority of states accept the Uniform Sales & Use Tax Certificate – Multijurisdictional form. If the state specific requirements listed in the section below do not apply to your business, please complete the general form.

Please ensure that you include all sales tax registrations numbers for all states where your business is registered to collect and remit sales tax. Once you have completed the form, please sign (digital signatures accepted), date and submit the form.


If there are any questions or issues with your certificate, we or our agent will reach out to you. If you are contacted, please be responsive to additional information or clarification requests to assist in further explaining your situation as this will aid in timely processing of your New Account application.


State Specific Requirements

If you are receiving goods in or, on your behalf, having goods shipped to the following states, please complete, sign and date the state specific fill-in form found at the links below, as they are the only acceptable forms for those states:



If you are receiving goods in, or on your behalf, having goods shipped to the states listed directly below, please complete, sign and date the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Certificate of Exemption. Please include your registration numbers and any additional information listed in parentheses below.


      (Copy of your Registered Retail Merchant Certificate)


If you are receiving goods in or, on your behalf, having goods shipped to the following states, please provide the item specified in parentheses below:


  • Louisiana/Florida

      (Signed and dated copy of your Current Year State Supplied Reseller Certificate)

  • Mississippi

      (Copy of your sales tax permit)

Freight Forward/Qualified Export Agent

In order to provide the exemption for sales destined for export outside of the United States, delivery must not be made to the purchaser within the United States. As such, the seller must deliver the property either directly outside the US or to a qualified export agent (“freight forwarder”). If this situation applies to you, please click on this link and include your business name and address, as well as your qualified export agent/freight forwarder’s name and address.


Tax-Exempt Organizations

If you are an organization that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, you may be eligible to avoid sales taxes on purchases, depending on applicable state law, by providing us with a valid tax exemption certificate for the state(s) you ship to and where you are located.


Sales Tax Exemption Certificate Portal

As a reminder, your New Account application will not be reviewed until you have successfully provided the necessary information as directed. Please verify the following:

  • The buyer contains your business’ legal name
  • The form is signed and dated (if applicable)
  • You provided the resale number/license number/registration number etc. as applicable for your form
  • Form is fully completed, before submission
  • If required, a copy of your state issued Sales Tax Permit

Once finalized, submit the specific tax exemption document(s) for each applicable state through our Exemption Certificate Portal.